
Nodel User Agreement and Terms of Service

Version: 1.1.0 (Nov 4, 2023)


Contact us at [email protected] for any questions or concerns.



This platform is owned by Nodel Financial Services LLC. By accessing or using this platform ("Nodel," "we," "us," or "our"), you agree to comply with, and be bound by, this User Agreement and Terms of Service ("Agreement"). This Agreement governs your relationship with Nodel and specifies the obligations, rights, and guidelines for all parties involved. Read carefully before proceeding.

Financial Transactions

2.1 Stripe

Payment processing services for users on Nodel are provided by Stripe and are subject to the Stripe Connected Account Agreement, which includes the Stripe Terms of Service (collectively, the “Stripe Services Agreement”). By agreeing to these terms or continuing to operate as a user on nodel, you agree to be bound by the Stripe Services Agreement, as the same may be modified by Stripe from time to time. As a condition of Nodel enabling payment processing services through Stripe, you agree to provide Nodel accurate and complete information about you and your business, and you authorize Nodel to share it and transaction information related to your use of the payment processing services provided by Stripe.

2.2 Account Standing

Nodel is a platform for users to create, fund, and complete tasks according to the internal rules of the platform. The definition of a completed (executed, fulfilled, or finished) task is at the sole discretion of Nodel. We reserve the right to deny payouts, refunds, and access to accounts which are not in good standing. The criteria for good standing includes but it not limited to compliance with KYC and AML regulations, abiding by the terms of service, and acting in good faith.

2.2.1 Fees

Nodel charges fees on successful task completions. Any fee structures will be explicitly stated and accessible for user review. The fee will be automatically deducted from the amount in escrow before payout to the solver. Nodel reserves the right to change fee structures at any time.

2.2.2 Refunds

Nodel desires to provide full refunds to funders in the event of a failed task. While we will make every effort to avoid fees for refunded nodes, we cannot guaruntee this for accounts which are not in good standing. Nodel reserves the right to deny refunds for tasks which are deemed to be completed.

2.2.3 Payment

Nodel internally determines the completion nodes. Nodel reserves the right to leverage money or assets from funders in the event that a task is deemed to be completed.

Liability and Disputes

3.1 Liability

Nodel cannot guaruntee that all users will act in good faith. Nodel disclaims all liability and responsibility for the actions of its users. Nodel does not assume liability for user-generated content on its platform, including funding, creating, or completing tasks which are not in compliance with applicable laws, which includes but is not limited to both financing laws in the funder's juristiction and the legality of any actions of the solver within their juristiction. Nodel reserves the right to ban, report, and seize money or assets from users who engage in illegal activity or user guidelines.

3.2 Dispute Resolution

We offer a tiered dispute resolution mechanism to handle disagreements between funders and solvers. This includes voting, evidence submission, third-party arbitration, and internal reviews.

Data Privacy

4.1 Privacy Policy

Interaction data, including which nodes you make, fund, or complete, will be stored on our servers. This data will be used explicitly to personalize content and improve the platform. We will never reveal or sell any identifiable or personal information, including payment methods, which are subject to the Stripe Services Agreement. The only instance in which we will share your data is if we are legally required to do so.

Good Faith Agreement

5.1 User Guidelines

By participating in Nodel, you agree to act in good faith. Funders are obligated to fulfill their financial commitments upon task completion, while solvers must genuinely attempt to complete tasks without attempting to defraud or mislead funders. Nodel reserves the right to seize money or assets from and ban users who do not act in good faith.

Contact us at [email protected] for any questions or concerns.