
Pool your resources.

Stop wasting money on donations.

Stop waiting for governments and billionaires to solve your problems.

The idea is simple:

Commit money to something you want to see happen.

If it happens, your money is spent.

If it doesn't, you get your money back.

People don't want to donate to a cause that never comes to fruition. Nodel is a novel platform for crowdfunding anything, but only spends your money if the task is completed.

Use Cases

Using Nodel, you may discover that you have strength in numbers with likeminded people that you don't even know.

  • Parties: How much would you pitch in to rent a bouncy house at your next party? Odds are other people would pitch in too.
  • Cohabitation: Does your apartment, co-housing, dorm, or building all want a beanbag in the common room? what about a mini fridge? Like who's gonna do that? Contributing $0.60 to a node while scrolling on your phone may be all thats needed to make it a reality.
  • Local Initiatives: From building a neighborhood park to setting up a farmer's market, fund and accomplish tasks that matter to your community.
  • Clubs/Interest groups You might be surprised how many people are willing to contribute to a shared interest. Whether it's a book club, a sports team, or a political organization, Nodel can help you get things done.
  • (in the future) Business Ideas: Got an innovative business concept but need help bringing it to life? Share your vision on Nodel and find contributors who can help make it happen for partial ownership.
  • (in the future)Lobbying and political goals: With Nodel, funds can be aggreated to accomplish grassroots goals with the same centralization as corporate goals. The people have money too! Its time to act like it.
  • (in the future)Global Initiatives: With a large enough user base, progressively larger goals can be accomplished with minimal individual contribution. Eliminating homelessness? $6 per month per American. Reversing Climate change? $3 per month per human.

How it works

What funders do:

What solvers do:

How Nodel is different

Nodel Traditional Governments Crowdfunding Platforms P2P Markets
Who chooses the solver? Funders directly choose the solver. Depends heavily on the government structure. In Democracies, People choose representatives, who then choose contractors. The person who posted the project Buyer chooses the seller
How is freeloading prevented? Users can prove that they funded a node using the Nodel API, but there is no way to force people to pay. Nodel is intended for situations where funders don't care about freeloading, or it is not possible. Governments levy taxes as they (or their lobbyists) see fair, ideally so that all who reap benefits will contribute. This is needed for services which are not excluable, like infrastructure or environmental protection. "freeloading" is not an appropriate term, as the goal is usually to donate to a cause with no expectation of return. freeloading doesn't exist for excludable, atomized services. If you pay for a haircut, you get a haircut. If you pay for a ride, you get a ride.
How are results guaranteed? Funds are only payed out when the node is voted as complete Citizens are supposed to vote out representatives who don't deliver on their promises, but this process has virtually no granularity. They aren't Reviews and ratings system, sometimes escrow
How are collective needs addressed? Users can create nodes to address their needs, and other users can contribute to them, growing an incentive pool that essentially acts as one, big customer in a P2P market. Citizens communicate their needs to their representatives through voting, lobbying, protests, etc. Governments conduct polls and surveys to determine the needs of their citizens. Then, they allocate funds to address the needs of their citizens lobbyists. Relies on a group of willing donors to front the cost for everyone else. Ask a libertarian (they aren't)

Terms of Service


How is Nodel different from sites like GoFundMe or Kickstarter?

Nodel is an inverted version of typical crowdfunding platforms. You can think of other crowdfunding platforms as a bunch of projects that are asking for funding, and Nodel as a bunch of bounties/rewards that are waiting to be claimed. With typical crowdfunding,

  • solvers ask for money first, and funders donate.
  • there is no guarantee that the task will be completed.
  • if the task isn't completed, funders don't get their money back.
With Nodel,
  • funders offer money first, and then solvers do the task.
  • the task has to be completed before the solver gets paid.
  • if the task isn't completed, funders get their money back.
Nodel removes the risk of donating to a cause that never comes to fruition. In fact, we don't even call it "donating", we call it "committing", because you're only committing to pay if the task is completed.

Who solves the tasks I fund?

Undertakers are called "solvers". Solvers could be anyone, including you. Solvers need to apply to undertake a task, be selected, and prove that they have completed the task.

How can I trust solvers to complete tasks?

Solvers are encouraged to provide steps for verification upon applying to solve a task. These steps act as an agreement of what "completion" looks like. Remember, if the task isn't solved, you get your money back. Also, Nodel provides an efficient dispute resolution system should any disagreements arise.

Can I propose a task myself?

Definitely! Register an account and create a node. If a similar node already exists, it's advised to contribute to it rather than starting a new one.

What if the task ends up costing more than expected?

Once a solver has agreed to complete the task for a certain amount, they are committed to completing it without additional funds. It's important that solvers assess the cost correctly before agreeing to complete a task. If they end up underestimating the cost, there are no additional funds provided unless funders are willing to add them.

Can I contribute to a task that already has a solver?

Yes, even if a solver is already working on a task, as long as the task isn't completed yet, additional funders can join and pledge funds.